About Us

Where HeelzFirst Began
There is something about putting on high heels that makes an outfit special. There's a feeling you get when you put on your favorite pair. You exude confidence, feeling invincible as you click, click, click with every step across a hard surface. But, what if you couldn't wear high heels anymore?
That's what happened to me. My beloved high heels always made me feel special, like myself, until my feet were casualties of a long-time back injury. I thought my days of wearing them were over.
Instead, I turned my problem into a solution. I created HeelzFirst, a garment that goes around the heel of your shoe and slides over your ankle for comfort and support. What started as an idea for myself, quickly turned into a dream of helping women everywhere walk with confidence and style, comfortably. But, it wasn't until I introduced my idea to other women that I realized it was something special.
I was on a trip with some friends, all with different backgrounds and careers from all over the country. As I introduced them to HeelzFirst and they stepped into their heels, the 'Aha' moment appeared as I saw their faces light up in awe as they started to walk around comfortably. That moment was a turning point for taking this dream and making it a reality. HeelzFirst needed to be shared.
Now, whether you're on the go, at work or dancing the night away, you too will be able to step out in your heels and feel great, comfortable and sexy with HeelzFirst!
I can't wait for you to slide your HeelzFirst onto your favorite high heels, and make a statement.... Comfortably!
For the Love of High Heels.
What Makes HeelzFirst Special?